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  • It's a Breast Thing, 2019

The 2019 "It's a Breast Thing" Event

The 12th annual It’s a Breast Thing Event was another very successful evening! It was a mix of the familiar and new which proved to be very successful. The community decorated bras with the theme of “Your Favorite Book” were voted for and bid on, great health related exhibitors shared valuable information and a terrific Program with very beneficial conversation and information about Critical Pathways & Decision Making that was presented by local experts and lead by Dr. LaKeeya Tucker.

The highlight of the evening was a very touching video following the path of 2 local breast cancer patients on their journey after diagnosis and spreading the word about the grant program that we provide to local breast cancer patients. We were so fortunate that our survivors were able to be with us and each spoke to the crowd about their life today and what IBT offers. It supports what we do within the community to everyone in attendance.

The Outreach committee spoke about our mission for 2020 Year of Giving campaign which is to spread the word into all communities we work with and educate them about what we do in support of breast cancer patients with unmet needs relating to breast cancer treatments in Ingham, Eaton, Clinton and Shiawassee counties.

Bob Howe (our auctioneer)reached out to our guests in the ASK portion of the night and raised a record amount of money. It is because of the wonderful support we receive at this event and all year long that we will award a record amount of grants in 2020.

Our 2020 Year of Giving will be all about giving back to our community. We are excited to announce that for the first time we will be raising our grant amount from $500 to $1000 and we’ve also raised the income levels for grant eligibility, allowing more people to qualify for an IBT grant!

Please join us in 2021 for a celebratory event on October 5th to celebrate all the money given out in grants to our local breast cancer patients in 2020! You have made this possible!

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 #SmallActs - Donate Today 

An “IBT” program that gives out gift cards and small gifts four times a year to local breast cancer centers. The gift cards and small gifts  are given to breast cancer patients in treatment. In addition, information on how to apply for an “IBT” grant to help with their expenses during treatment is included.


$15.00 Gift Card

$20.00 Gift Card

$25.00 Gift Card

Other Amount Gift Card

IBT Calendars Are Ready for Pick Up!



Still need to pick-up your calendar? Stop by Sola Salon - Ultimate Image (Barb and Suzi's Salon)

2405 Showtime Dr. Lansing, MI 48912

Eastwood Towne Center 

9:00 am - 5:00 pm



2019 Event Photos

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2019 Event Winners

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